Perhaps the best example of federal ignorance and indifference was the 30 minute meeting between our PM and our Ontario Premier. The recently elected premier had requested a meeting with the PM shortly after being elected to discuss mutually important issues which face the two governments. The PM has repeatedly refused to meet the request.
Our premier represents a third of the country's population and the province elects over a hundred of the seats in parliament. This alone would demand respect but because of a small personal matter he denied the meeting. A few days ago the PM was coming to Toronto for a hockey tournament game and setup half hour meeting before the game to discuss the huge issues.
Everyone in government will tell you that Ontario has a huge role to play in this country's economy and one half hour will not solve anything except time for an apology and some greetings. With the federal election coming up later in the year I hope we in Ontario remember the snub our worst ever prime minister administered to our first ever lady premier.
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