Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Comfort Food

This morning at 5.57 as I opened the front door to retrieve my Toronto Star paper. I was hit with a 30 below blast of cold air which sent me to my favorite chair with a large cup of hot chocolate and a paper filled with tragic stories. For so early in the morning I was unable to read on but thought of something comforting. That thought turned into action as I felt it was the correct time to make a pot of home made beans.

I had the Thompson beans handy so quickly sped up the process by simmering them for half an hour. I always remember my Mothers way of preparing this great cold day specialty as she never used a recipe for anything. The only thing I do with the recipe on the bean bag is to cut the catsup in half and double the molasses. I also add a teaspoon of ginger. Onions make the great taste so I also double that ingredient

It does take six hours to make and it is worth the effort. I use peal meal bacon rather than salt pork and this cuts the fat and adds a nice touch to the flavor. When I get around to making comfort foods I always go back to the way I saw it being prepared if I can remember. Our parents had simple recipes that could be made quickly and  did not cost too much and if they did not have the ingredients they simply used a substitute.

Since it takes six hours to cook I have a whole day to anticipate the treat which will make up the bulk of our supper. The other item will be home made bread which we made yesterday. Cold weather had its merits as we stay closer to the stove and use the extra heat to cook and enjoy comfort food.

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