Saturday, June 28, 2014

Lindsoy's Boat Trip

Each year Lyndsay organizes a boat trip for her friends. John has a beautiful  53 foot Carver and he is generous in as much as he takes us out for a cruise along the shore of Lake Ontario. The marina is home to many boats of all sizes. Oakville is home to sailors of all stripes and there are boats of all sizes to meet the fancy of their owners. The sail boats make a great picture as they set up a racing course just outside of the marina and spectators can watch the whole thing from shore.

Our particular cruise took us along the shore where beautiful homes crowd the shore each one  more beautiful than the next. Most of these homes cannot be seen from land so it is a real treat to cruise along and admire them from the water. Of course Lyndsay planned great food and during our several hour tour we were fed and entertained by a young dog. Darcy, Lindsay's young sister socializes dogs for the training center here in Oakville. The Lions Club have established a huge center for training dogs to work with individuals who have special needs. This is her third and will soon have to give back this puppy for further more formal training.

Every year we look forward to this outing and we never tire of the beautiful cruise and hospitality given to us by our hostess Lyndsay.

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