Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Doris..A New Beginning

Today our home was changed forever as our family of three was reduced to two. Doris has failing health and needs more attention than Theresa and I can provide. Our house is the main problem as we have five levels and this means stairs everywhere.

For fifteen years Doris has been a vibrant member of our small family and lived an exciting life. She travelled everywhere we went and proved to be an excellent traveller. While driving to Florida we were on the road for 18 hours and Doris never closed her eyes as she was afraid of missing something. While in Florida she walked every day and swam for 40 minutes in the pool exercising and loving the fun.

For the six months down south she never suffered any pain from arthritis and was a model of health for a 90 year plus old lady.When she could no longer come with us to Florida her health became an issue but only as an aging person. Baking bread, doing dishes and cleaning around the home kept her busy.Family gatherings gave her that special feeling as my daughters and son made her feel special.

Theresa had a special gift as only a few are able to claim because a daughter-mother relationship under the same roof for fifteen years was truly wonderful. Doris trusted Theresa with everything and Theresa in turn was able to share that trust in so many ways.

I personally thought living with Doris as a natural thing as she was with us for all the years we were married.Today we took Doris to her new home and spent the day helping her to get settled in. Our home is about ten minutes from her new place and our family will do its best to visit and preserve that family relationship intact.I will miss her greatly as she shared many moments with me in the kitchen preparing food. We wish her contentment and happy times sharing her final years with professional care and a loving family.

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