Friday, January 24, 2014

Winter Haven

This is the first year that our bird houses have been occupied during the winter months. The sparrows have been staying close to their homes during this very cold weather. Night temperatures at about 25 to thirty five below zero seems to be the motivation. It is surprising but interesting that the weather is so much colder this year. It seems to be the wind chill factor. Generally during the winter we have wind during storms but there is a certain stability with cold weather not seen this year.

We see an increased activity around the feeders and even the rabbits are in our back yards seeking tender branches from our fruit trees. There are fewer rabbits because of the coyotes in our city but eventually there will be a balance as nature evens the natural order of its kingdom.

The extreme cold has been playing dangerous games with the far south and tender crops are being challenged by frost in areas where there should be no problem. This shifting weather pattern of extremes will be a regular occurrence during the next years a we are entering a cyclic pattern of extremes all across the earth.

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