Friday, January 24, 2014

Winter Haven

This is the first year that our bird houses have been occupied during the winter months. The sparrows have been staying close to their homes during this very cold weather. Night temperatures at about 25 to thirty five below zero seems to be the motivation. It is surprising but interesting that the weather is so much colder this year. It seems to be the wind chill factor. Generally during the winter we have wind during storms but there is a certain stability with cold weather not seen this year.

We see an increased activity around the feeders and even the rabbits are in our back yards seeking tender branches from our fruit trees. There are fewer rabbits because of the coyotes in our city but eventually there will be a balance as nature evens the natural order of its kingdom.

The extreme cold has been playing dangerous games with the far south and tender crops are being challenged by frost in areas where there should be no problem. This shifting weather pattern of extremes will be a regular occurrence during the next years a we are entering a cyclic pattern of extremes all across the earth.

Avoidable Tragedies

Every state in America requires sprinklers to be used in senior citizens homes. In Quebec where this terrible fire took the lives of many wary people it was avoidable. In the homes where we have sprinklers installed in the homes in Canada there was no loss of life. Even in this home in Quebec there was a different story in the part of the home where sprinklers were working.

How sad that we place such a small value to lives of our seniors who are in many cases unable to take care of themselves. There was some thought to have sprinklers in all buildings, even private homes. The cost has always been the argument against such a safety feature but if the devices are placed in the buildings when constructed the cost is very small.

Can we really place a cost on a human life? There is always the cost element. Remember when car seat belts were introduced. Companies said it drove up the cost but now we see the cost benefit. Let us hope that this latest tragic fire is the last in Canada and we become bullish about safety of our seniors placed in homes for their safe care.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Conservative Isolationism

Now that Harper along with about 200  Jewish sympathizers  has spent millions of our tax dollars travelling to Israel for a love in, we proved to the world just how out of line we are in International diplomacy. We have already separated Canada from the environmental community, axed the relationship with the UN that we cherished over the years and now totally destroyed our standing with the Middle East community of nations with his ill advised words to please his friend in Israel.

A small country of about seven millions and supported by the military might of the USA it has acted in a manner which can only be described as selfish and cooperative with it's neighbors. In 1948 Britain and others divided up the land in the middle east to provide a home for the persecuted Jewish People by cutting a border through land populated by several distinct nations. There was little thought for these people because after the war Britain and others were tired and just wanted to get some order in that region of the world.

The Palestine  Nation was unorganized and had few advocates so lost it's opportunity for a border to give the people land they could call home. This error at the time resulted in an unsettled situation right up to this day. This question will never be settled as long as the two sides are unable to talk with some degree of compromise.

Harper made things worse by being an echo of the Jewish  stand in these negotiations. He basically committed Canada to stand by Israel through fire and water. He had no right to speak for me on this question nor 70% of Canadians who disagreed with his speech as being balanced. It was the most unbalanced speech imaginable and it did not properly express the Canadian feelings about our foreign policy.

Harper has done everything within his power to make Canada look and act like a right wing conservative nation and so far he has managed to do so. Canada has been lowered to a level of mistrust and in some cases disgust by the international community. We can only hope to change this problem through the ballot box next year. I personally am embarrassed by our Prime Minister and likewise the Mayor of Toronto.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hockey Day In Canada

Saturday was hockey day in Canada and there were celebrations all over the land. Large cities ans small rural hamlets celebrated with ice activities.What impressed me mostly was the inclusion of the girls in the games. Every age was represented and most of Canada had a great day celebrating what we call our game.

Early in my educational career I worked in a small Ontario city called Pembroke.When I arrived there the local school board supported minor hockey for the boys who attended their schools. Much of the budget for sports were used in this manner. I suggested that the board take minor hockey out of the school system and use the money for programs that were balanced between girls and boys.

This caused quite a fuss but it was done. Shortly after there was a balanced program where everyone was treated equally and this was true throughout Canada. We have come a long way in a short time and we are better for the change. Hockey Day was a huge success.

Talk About The Weather

Everywhere I go I hear people talking about the weather. In the Doctors office everyone was complaining not about their problems but the weather. We better get used to this as climate change and extreme weather is going to be the norm for the next few years. Australia is burning like never before, California is in a state of drought which has no match and looks to devastate the 20 billion agriculture industry. Fires are burning out of control and the fire season is months away.

Canada has this winter experienced unprecedented cold waves and in the fall rain flooded the west causing tremendous damage to huge areas. All over the world we are seeing the same pattern of violent weather events. One thing is for sure is we must begin planning for these natural disasters with earnest and be prepared for here to for water issues which cause the greatest loss of life and property damage.

When the Weather Channel began it's broadcasting little did we know that it would have a vast audience and perform such a vital task in keeping people informed and safe. This has produced a huge industry and here in Oakville the actual headquarters for this station we have seen an expansion of large proportions already and I am sure that there will be more to come. So keep talking about the weather and stay safe during our future natural disasters.  

Why Now???

Canada does not have a foreign policy but it does have a prime minister who has no thoughts representing the Canadian feelings so grasps the Jewish friendship with their leader and calls it his own. Such a terrible mistake to take 200 conservatives to Israel and pretend that this is Canada's foreign policy.To deflect the problems at home with all the scandals and corruption in the PMO , Harper thinks that this love in with Israel will win the affection of the Canadian people and the world community is a joke.

Canada has very poor world currency in the field of world opinion because of the performance of this government during the past 8 years. Its stand on the war in Iraq, the asbestos problem, the stand on the environment and backing out of the agreement with the world leaders makes us look like very lightweights in the world of diplomacy. We couldn't even get elected to the  security council in the UN and before we were world leaders in the UN activities.

Most Canadians have some good feelings for the state of Israel but think that other Middle East peoples have some rights as well. Israel is not exactly a model of democracy and civil rights when we look at their record of the past 20 years.For Harper to go over there with a definite , public stated unequivocal love and support for Israel leaves little room for having productive talks with other states in the area.

Taking almost 200 people with him at taxpayers expense and not one member of the other parties in Parliament is a disgrace as they represent 60% of the population of Canada. All we will get out of this party in the East is a large financial bill for a partisan photo op.

Israel has been propped up by American and Canadian money and resources over the years from 1948 until the present day. It could not exist one year without the backing of the USA armed support and the other neighbors know this. Canada has few friends in Palestine and other Arab states because of our narrow foreign policies. Do we not think that these people have a right to their homeland which was taken from them in 1948 by the Allies after WW11? This looks a little like the home policies of the Harper Government in their treatment of our Aboriginal Nations.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Littliest Turkey

Just before Xmas we were buying groceries and were attracted to the bin of turkeys which were on sale for $.67 per pound. We bought a couple of small ones and saw this turkey at a cost of $2.50. I could not believe my eyes so picked it up. It was a small bird for sure but larger than the chicken we also had in our basket at $9.25.

I wondered just how it would look in a pan so today when we are having a turkey dinner for three we decided to cook this little fellow. When I thawed and washed this turkey I realized it was perfect except it was small. I am sure it will taste OK and I am sure I will never ever see one for sale again at $2.50.


Canadians are getting excited about the winter olympics to be held in Russia. Our young people have been training for four years to try to match their medal winnings held in Vancouver. The forecast for our team looks like it could do even better.

Olympics are supposed to be an individual contest with the finest from every country coming together to compete. These games brings the countries of the world together and fosters the very best feelings between athletes which translates into productive world unity.

Canada always supports its athletes and this year there already is a growing pride in our country and our representatives who will represent us on this world stage. With only a month to the games we will see many stories and accounts of feats past and present to boast our pride.

Free Gift For The Oil Industry From The Taxpayers

Can you imagine receiving a 22 million dollar gift from the taxpayers to advertise your business. Well this week the Harper government announced the gift of $22,000,000 for advertising the benefits of our dirty tar sands oil for use in the south east Asia and European regions.The oil extracted from the tar sands costs Canadians in many ways.

To extract the oil in a process requiring tremendous use of energy and the multinationals  use clean natural gas in the process. This natural gas in itself is a valuable resource. The transporting of this dirty oil is dangerous and the residue from the process causes the largest environmental black eye for Canada that we have. All this is bad but to use our money to market the product while these companies become wealthy using our natural resources is ludicrous as the profits from this industry are not even Canadian. We do have a Canadian content but by in large the money invested and profits earned are multinational  in scope.

Remember it was this government that two short years ago was supporting with our taxpayers money a dirty industry in Quebec which produced asbestos and sold it to Africa and India. This asbestos was responsible for numerous deaths in these countries. Canada and two other countries were the only people in the whole world who would not sign an agreement to declare asbestos as a dangerous substance. Thankfully world pressure forced the government to back off and abandon its support for this industry.The loss of three Conservative seats in the area may have played a part.

Just who in this government is making these decisions and for what purpose? It would seem that the focus on Alberta oil interests trumps all other needs. Last quarter Ontario lost 32,000 jobs in the manufacturing area. Is this not a concern of this government?


Friday, January 10, 2014

Calculated Stupidity

This is my week to become angry at stupidity.Sometimes things are done that turn out to be stupid. Sometimes people are stupid and do stupid things. In both of these cases one can forgive the action. As we speak there is an act by the Harper government that defies all senses when it comes to stupidity.

Canada prides itself as being a maritime country with roots to three oceans and numerous lakes. Canada has kept accurate records of the discovery and mapping of these oceans and lakes and has kept them in libraries for people to view and use for research.

There are 11 main Oceans and Fisheries offices in Canada. with libraries and the government is closing 7 of them. They are not only closing them but destroying all the records, maps and charts that they hold. People who work in these libraries cried when their beloved materials were carried away to be burned, shredded or put in landfill sites.

These documents are a valuable asset for Canadian Historical References and should have been treated in a proper manner. This government has been waging a war on science and people in the field and have tried to muzzle the findings of these scientists. A quarter of the people working for the federal government have been told to hold findings that they have concluded if they do not support the governments position. This is specially true when it comes to the environment and we will pay in the future for their ignorance. Studies of our lakes and their health was to be disbanded because their findings were negative to some of the environmentally sensitive industries. It was only when private money was given to keep this department open.

Our Canadian decisions regarding the environment should be made on the basis of science and not on political bias. The effort of this government to curb the scientific evidence is an affront to reason but it is being done on a daily basis.

Destroying our libraries and burning valuable records smells like some of the actions of a very unpopular despot  who came to a sad end. Maybe we can avoid this from continuing by learning the facts about our scientific community and supporting them so they may do their studies for the benefit of all Canadians without interference from politicians with an agenda which is un Canadian.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Great Keepsakes

Daughter Lynda has been to Africa several times and each time brought me a special object. The first one was the talking stick which was used in tribal meetings where by the person holding the stick had the floor and was to speak without interruption This would be useful at our family gatherings as the conversations sometimes get out of hand. This stick is made of wood completely covered by tiny bead work. There are literally thousands of beads in the cover and the workmanship is perfect. The ladies of the area specialize in the use of beads in decorative designs and their work is beautiful.

The second item was a Masai warriors knife.My interest in knives and guns was sparked when I received this knife. The knife was not too large but was encased in a hand made cover made of wood, leather and bound by bands of leather and iron.

I will probably never get to Africa but knowing the use and story behind these gifts brings me closer to that culture.

A Negative Step

Canada has one of the best diplomatic staffs in the world. Known for their fairness and professionalism they work for Canadians of all stripes. The Harper Government has made a huge mistake in appointing a novice to the post of Ambassador to Israel.

This is probably one of the most important and difficult positions to be held by any diplomatic standards. Based in the hot spot in the middle east one has to be able to tread lightly and respect a fairness in dealing with the many powers in the neighbourhood.

This newly appointed person has publicly stated on her acceptance that she is tunnel visioned when it comes to Israel. WE will have a difficult time working with the other nations there when you signal that Canada is only interested in Israel. What about the people in the area? Do they not count to us or they just people not worthy of our support?

I would think that we are following the lead of the USA and the right wing conservatives that have one view of the middle east. Sad appointment and we will pay dearly for this one more mistake of  this unimaginative government.

The solution would have been to appoint one of our senior ,well trained and intelligent diplomats of which we have plenty. amen.

Free Trade Costs A Lot

To discuss free trade you must have more space than you get in a blog. There are some good things about free trade. There are many bad and expensive things about free trade.
Free trade is excellent for the 1%. Rich owners of international companies who  love free trade because it permits them to move their plants across international boundaries to get cheap labor and tax breaks.

Free trade does not increase the employments advantage of Canadian workers. Ontario lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs since free trade. Owners move their plants to the USA where labour is cheaper and unions have little power.

Ontario has lost five major plants in the last months by moves where operation costs are less but workers are paid less and benefits are sometimes non-existent. Heinz, and  Kellogg's are two examples.

The automotive industry has helped Ontario to become a world leader because we have great workers protected by good unions who protect the wages and benefits of its members. Free trade works at this point in time.
 The real losers in free trade are the people in the labor pool. Here workers who traditionally were among the best off in the world now have to compete with the labor forces in the free trade geographic area. This causes our workers to accept less on nearly every contract settled during the past few years. The great middle class is shrinking at an alarming rate.

The 1% are becoming so wealthy that some individuals have a greater income than some small countries.There is a great divide here where the gap between rich and poor is widening at a fast rate.

The great problem for Canada is that the Harper government has a foreign policy totally committed to becoming the salesmen for the oil and resource industries. Our government is using our tax dollars to promote these huge international companies on the world stage. These companies are for the most part are not even Canadian.The Prime Minister is so near sighted when it comes to Alberta oil that he personally advocates on their behalf..These companies receive huge tax dollars to grow and develop our Canadian resources without a cost benefit to the working people of Canada.

The pipeline debate is a case in point and watch the pressure on behalf of these interests during the days leading up to the next election. We need some balance between government support of huge industries and small business. Small business have been and remain the chief employer in the Canadian labor market.

Our government is ignoring the real needs in this country. Our system has been hijacked by this Harper Government and democracy has been raped over and over because of the secrecy  and central power in Ottawa. There is help on the way as Canadians are fed up and will not accept this to continue. Election day puts the power back in the hands of the voters on election. I only hope that people do use this power and vote.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cold Day Project

Theresa and I planned to replace the kitchen chairs as I broke one of them sitting down a little too hard. The weather report had the temperature with the wind factor at minus 40. We went to I

kea and picked up four boxes and prepared to have a tough time putting them together.

We became pleasantly surprised when we began the task and were completely finished two hours later. Since we have a solid pine table it was hard to match but we did find a nice chair of solid pine but a little different stain. We have had some real battles with putting furniture together when directions were hard to follow. This one was a breeze.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


What is in a number?In my case the number 77 only means that I have been granted a certain time on this earth. The time was precious and I attempted to use every minute with conscious living. There were times when I felt I was not sharing my time properly with my family and outside commitments.There were times when there were not enough hours in the day nor minutes in the hour.I was never satisfied with the effort I gave on projects as I was distracted with the next and the next idea or adventure.

As I aged I began to realize that this youthful enthusiasm for life was natural when you have endless energy and ideas to fill every moment. As I aged the balance between family and  outside efforts became more in line with my desire to become a better father.

During the past ten years I have been able to make my time a happy sharing of family and personal growth. Theresa and I have more time to share and feel the need for family get togethers

when we are able to sit back and feel the love shown by our grand children for each other and ourselves. I always wondered what it would be like to have a family of healthy children and grand children mingling during family events and loving every moment.

Today on my birthday I sat back for some time and reflected on just these thoughts and realized that my mission has been accomplished. Our family is healthy in so many ways and will remain so as long as they keep the communication open and the get togethers a vital part of the family strength.

On this  day I have completed my book on my time in the education continuum. I am completing my second book on my life and musings during that period of time. I hope this will be a small record of our family and friends and bring a smile when read by people who appreciate amateur writing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Another Year

Theresa and I ended 2013 quietly with dinner at Lynda and Peter's home. It was a nice way to share time with family and talk of the year in a friendly manner. We did see the events of the year troubling but also so many good things that we chose to dwell on the future. We were planning on projects and adventures and basically believe that gloom and doom were not in our chemistry

We have had many special famjams this year and because we are not going to Florida this year we feel much more involved in sharing time with our family. One achievement realized this year and completed this week was a book about my teaching career. I have named it, Restless and Inattentive to highlight the comments on my personal report cards while toiling through the public education in Cape Breton in the late forties and early fifties.

We see our grand children reaching out into the world and they are no longer kids but young adults.We look forward to watching their progress as we have during the past year and it gives us huge happiness to see the energy and diversity of their programs.

Doris turned 96 this year and is still with us and enjoying the contact with the family. Doris has lived such a varied life with her years of working and years of travelling as a reward. She shares some of her past with the young people but health has not permitted her to be very physically active and her activities remain more sedimentary We all notice that her lust for sweets has not changed one bit and her happiest moments are with the family at get togethers.

Theresa and I made a few shared resolutions and as I recall they were the same ones we made for the last few years. We look to 2014 to be a time for continued good health and close communion with our family and friends.

Hungry Squirrel

This area of the city is fortunate to have a large treed park adjacent to our street and our yards become home to many animals. The most numerous and visible are the large gray and black squirrels.During the recent ice storm these little creatures became very aggressive in attacking the bird feeders. We attempt to place our feeders away from these robbers but they are so clever.

I placed one feeder on a wire with a closed top and thought that it was impossible for it to be reached by a squirrel. One afternoon this animal studied the problem and within an hour solved the problem. He attacked the wire and hanging upside down , holding on by his two hind legs worked the top off the feeder. He then slid down the wire and placed half of it's body in the feeder. The head, front legs were completely inside the feeder and it was a tight squeeze. To get out he had to pull his entire body straight up with his mouth stuffed with birdseed.

This system which he perfected on each visit to the feeder was amusing but also gave me a respect for the degree of problem solving ability of this creature.

Expensive Beauty

The recent ice storm caused our neighborhood  to be turned into a crystal garden with every strand of grass, bush or tree covered with solid inch thick covering of ice. When the sun shone through this magic picture we were treated to a spectacular vista only seen when nature puts on this deadly show of power.

It is only when the ice melts and the damage assessed that we realize that fully 20% of our forest covering has been destroyed or damaged and will take years to correct. During the week long ice show many people were held hostage as power was knocked out and people suffered tremendous hardships.

People living in high rise condos were mostly bound to their rooms ans elevators were out nd without power there was no heat or use of many of the necessary tools needed to have a life. People in rural areas were hard hit as roads were blocked, power was lost and when power is lost farmers fear for their livestock.

All this mess shows us once more the power of nature and our inability to cope with natural disasters. Because we have not maintained our power grid in a manner where trees are not permitted to overhang the wires we will always be faced with this problem

It was powerful, dangerous, destructive and beautiful all at the same time.
