Monday, December 2, 2013

Conservatives Learn From Toronto Council

Toronto city council were fed up with the Mayor and so rebelled and took away most of the powers that the Mayor had. The House of Commons and the Prime Minister were experiencing a similar problem. The worthy backbenchers elected to serve in the house were muzzled by the PMO. The Prime Ministers Office is a group of unelected people who support the PM and do his bidding.

The members of the house became tired of the administration and the scripted manner that was demanded of the members. They were also tired of taking orders from the nonelected people from the PMO . The scandal in the Senate brought this discontent to a boil and this week there is a Conservative motion coming to the floor of the house curtailing the powers of the PMO. This is a rebellion of sorts and shows a divide in the caucus.

It is a long time coming and depending on the outcome could bring a wave of support for a new leader. Prime Minister Harper is a victim of his own making as we have been experiencing the most autocratic government ever in the history of Canada.

We will watch and see just how the PM will try to hold on to powers to keep his administration intact. Personally I see this as a great step forward for the party who might see it is the time for a change at the top. In any case we will see some movement away from the dictatorial manner in which our country has been controlled.

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