Monday, August 19, 2013

Olympics and Politics

At one time I was running with an Olympic club in Thunder Bay then Fort William. We had a very dedicated coach sponsored by the Canadian Legion. He was a true Olympian and several times after our practice he would talk of the goals of the Olympics.

One of the main points of view he expressed was the fact that the Olympics was a set of games and contests called every four years so the best athletes of the world could compete for the personal achievement of competing and winning for themselves. There was never the thought of countries becoming engaged in the event and as for politics there was a definite separation of politics, religion and race.

It shocks me that these games are becoming an event where political and social issues are being discussed. Discussed to the point where some people wish a boycott because Russia in its failure to recognize cross gender equality in its own country will not tolerate demonstrations to disrupt the harmony of the games.

My personal feeling is that there are many causes that stand out in my mind that are of greater significance that the one before us. If all the world causes were to be presented it would ruin the games and devastate the athletes who worked so hard to get to these events. I feel that the Russian Government will learn a lesson from these games when the people see the multitude of gay and lesbian athletes on the platform winning medals  and coming from countries who have broken the shackles of prejudice .

These games are going to be one like no other as the social media will bring the issues before the world in a way which will gain greater acceptance than a boycott or walkout or demonstration. Individuals may feel so strongly about this issue that they will act on their own but Russia will have to deal with these problems carefully as the whole world is watching.

So just relax and permit our athletes  to compete and put aside the other distractions and put them in a context worthy of political and social change Let the games begin in the spirit of the founding fathers who designed a powerful event which brings the whole world closer together..

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