Monday, August 12, 2013

1000 Posts

I never imagined that I would be writing my 1000th blog post when I was introduced to this passion for writing. My eldest daughter Lynda created a blog for me and convinced me to begin sharing some of my ideas and adventures with others. I never knew who the others were and as far as writing well, I have come a long way, captivated by the writing experience.

The writing experience gave me an opportunity to relive the good, bad, emotional, and valuable memories. I suppose that some of the stories and memories that I have written about are somewhat different than the facts but they constitute my memories, and mine alone. Over the past 75 years many things have changed and how these changes have impacted our lives is important to me. Perhaps the few passions I had - the environment, education, friends and family, politics and religion - have stayed with me throughout my whole life.

Some, if not all, were the result of living as a member of a large family with limited economic power but unlimited in courageous values that are part of the heritage of our family. This may be a long way off the topic of blogging but it is the background for the opinions I have written over and over again. I may not write another 1000 posts but I shall continue to write about topics that interest me and hopefully share with people who may gain some value - even if it is only a chuckle or a silent nod of interest about my world.

As I view this beautiful sunset I realize that many of the topics I choose are from the past. I try not to dwell on the past, but rather pull little nuggets out of life experiences that come to mind as I sit down to write. It seems that I never lack topics although I repeat from time to time. My excuse is that it must have impacted me more powerfully than other memories. I am just completing two books that could not have been written without the experience I gleaned from blogging.


  1. You beat me to it Pops! You started a year after me and by blogging faithfully, you accumulated a wonderful body of work and now your 1000th post. What a fantastic accomplishment. I remember that phone call in which I asked you if you wanted to learn something new... if you wanted to learn to blog. You said to come on over and show you what a blog was. I think I was trying to buy some editing time on your book and who could have imagined how far you would take it. You always say you are a lifelong learner and I think that is what makes me most proud. You continue to evolve. Congratulations Pop!

  2. wooowwwww - 1000 posts - how wonderful - so much to share!!!

    Bummed to have missed you this trip - was looking most forward to it - gives me another great reason to come back to Toronto soon - in the meantime - stay well - and keep blogging!!!

    cheers - meg


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