Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Attack On Labour Unions In Ontario

I recently wrote a blog on the horrible situation at the federal level where the government has taken the teeth out of negotiations by settling labour talks by decree from the government. We now have a similar situation in Ontario. The premier and the minister of education decided to solve the financial crisis by freezing the salaries of teachers across the board. The Premier rationalized the need as he feared a teachers strike.

This is a fabrication of a crisis for political gain. The teachers have never threatened strike but have insisted on meaningful negotiations.I am a retired educator and have always thought that educators have been responsible citizens and concerned people when provincial matters are at stake. Over the years there have been a few labour snags with the teachers but after negotiations both sides were winners.

Teachers have become a strong middle class segment of our social fabric. Teachers are at the forefront in volunteering their time to their students and the communities. in which they live.This mistake made by the government could dampen the spirit of co-operation and the students would suffer.Teachers who have had a contract which had built in guarantees for salaries based on qualifications and teachers have taken the step to invest in educational programs to become better mentors of their students are being denied their rightful earnings.

Had there been honest negotiations I feel that a better solution would have been the result.This government has always been pro education and received  strong support during the last years. It is absolutely necessary to have calm, energetic teachers in the classroom. Labour unrest is not the answer.

Education is supposed to be all about the students. Happy teachers engaged in a professional manner will provide that balance which makes Ontario public education the best in the world. In order to keep it that way there has to be a renewal of trust between the government and the educational community. I hope the leadership of both parties get it right and get it done without involving the people that we all work for ... the STUDENTS.

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