Monday, March 23, 2015

Building Fear On Misconceptions

Harper has being building fear among the people of Canada built on absolute misconceptions.He constantly speaks of the danger we face by Isis as they have declared war on Canada. Imagine for a moment that Isis has the ability to declare war on anyone. They are a dangerous criminal group who do not have the power to declare war. Harper knows that we cannot as a free country declare war on such a group. He is giving them status that they do not have the right to receive.

For some reason (politically) he has presented Canada as a war mongering power. The war planes that bomb the people in the troubled zone do little to raise our status as a peace loving nation. Every bomb that kills people on the ground makes us hated more by the people living there. Did we not learn from Afghanistan that we lost because we  never earned the love of the people they were trying to help. The middle east mess will have to be settled by the people of the middle east. Our effort may seem noble and the Canadian men and women over there are following orders and do a good job.The problem is that you cannot defeat an idea by killing people with bombs.

We are in less danger from Isis than our own people who kill school children or shoot policemen or other crimes by radical people who often are the product of mental disorders.Harper knows that if you make people fear enough that they will turn to the government for protection. He has built all this for political gain and has become Canada,s enemy number one.One would hope that the population will be intelligent enough to see through this charade before we start counting body bags again

Further involvement to a point where we send our young people to that area to fight will he a tragedy..

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