Monday, May 14, 2012

Perfect Day

Temperature around 20C with clear skies makes for a perfect day to get the final garden planted. With little chance for a late frost we in southern Ontario take advantage of days like this to complete our planting. On a drive in the countryside to reach our landfill site we saw numerous farmers working their fields. Dust flew up from the machinery as the planting was completed on dry land. Theresa and I were making our semi annual visit to receive free compost for our yard work. We are able to receive seven bags or containers of perfect compost.

The land was waiting for that precious rain to begin the growing and we are not expecting any soon. While some years the wet weather holds the farmers from working the soil this year everything was perfect and Mother Nature should help with a good long rain .In our small garden the strawberries are the best I have seen  but we are able to water. I am sure that our tap water is not as good as the rain but it will do in a pinch.

The satisfaction we get from having our hands meet soil is difficult to understand but anyone who grows up working and depending on the earth has an inner need to stay close even if it is only a pot garden. In our neighbourhood every person works hard to have that perfect lawn and trimmed shrubs. In the future perhaps we will become less conscientious of the green grass and become more in tune with the natural order. Water will become an issue in many places as it is today in the sun belt and we will realize that green grass may become a symbol of poor water management.

In Florida we are rationed for water and are only permitted to water twice a week at certain hours. The native grasses and trees have a built in safeguard and during the dry season they turn brown only to rebound at the first rain of the wet season. If everyone thought this way brown would be beautiful during the dry season.

People are becoming more aware of the fragile balance of nature and I see a real strength with the younger generation who have a clearer regard for the need of Green living. If everyone did a little it would make a tremendous impact on our renewable resources.

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