Friday, May 18, 2012

Exciting Times

Grandchildren are a precious lot who contribute to our quality of life. We have eight at last count and each has come through the school system with flying colours. We as observers and proud grand parents have seen the growth in their life and their struggle to find the most rewarding niche for a happy life.

This year we have  two graduating from secondary school after completing their years and are looking foreword to post secondary experience. Time races so quickly that it seems like yesterday they were registering for kindergarten.

We are fortunate to have a close relationship with each as the geography permits frequent visits. For many this is not possible as families move long distances apart. This is where the modern technical advances come into play and programs like Skype can help people to keep in contact. Probably the most satisfaction I get out of our family gatherings is watching the grandchildren relate to each other. This connection will be lifelong and guarantees the future of our clan.

Our young people face challenges we never had to face and I personally believe that life in general is more difficult.They face an uncertain economic condition and work placement constantly changing. It is exciting but stressful for those who do not have the right educational standards so the pressure is there to succeed by taking advantage of every opportunity.

In the meantime we can sit back and bask in their successes and support them in any manner we are capable of. Life is much richer for their involvement with us.

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