Saturday, July 9, 2016

Global Warming and Extremes in Natural Event

Our weather forecasters have issued a report saying that the last 60 days have been the driest in recorded memory. Crops across Ontario  have been devastated in many areas. Theresa and I travelled up country today and there was clear evidence that areas have been denied their share of rain during the past weeks.

Corn crops that should be green and growing are dry and shrivelled.  A few good rains could help but if the plants get too weak there will be a terrific loss for our farmers. The weather man has predicted rain on many occasions but the clouds just pass us by.

I love Mother Nature and I feel she will get us out of this terrible mess. I feel that the catastrophic changes in our weather where we have extremes in rain and drought are going to be the normal and we have the prepare ourselves for the new weather patterns. We were warned by the experts in the field and we shook off their findings much to our determent. Lets have some faith in our scientists and get with a program of future survival by grasping the truth and becoming a positive force for the good of all people.

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