Sunday, March 17, 2013

March 17

Because I lean a little more to the Scottish traditions I have some feelings about the Irish Celebrations. I realize that this day is special to millions of people across the world  but I wonder why. Here in Florida it appears that all the advertisements are from bars and watering holes and little about the proud history of the Irish. The bars are encouraging people to come out and celebrate.

The celebration is usually green beer and corn beef and cabbage. It actually is advertising a huge drunk. Most of the establishments advertise free drives home after you drink too much. I used to celebrate this day when I was young and a group of us used to go to a dance and have many drinks. Lately Theresa and I have our Jiggs Dinner at home and stay away from the noisy places where there is little thought of the real Irish festive day.

Today I took the time to look at the Paddy day celebrations and I was impressed with  a history of a people who had a very hard time just existing. Crop failures and strife with England kept the people poor but in spite of all this the Irish have made a huge impact on the world. They had to move to every corner of the world and when they did they made significant contributions.

Their music, charm and dedication to their work made them a desired force in the police ranks and fire departments of many cities . I feel that like Xmas, the 17 th has been hijacked by commercial interests and the real Irish celebration is lost in the greed of dollars to be made.  Hurrah for the real Irish who are a remarkable people.

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