Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Happiness

In the USA Thanksgiving ranks as the second most important and celebrated day of the year. Schools are closed for three to five days and travelling is the busiest of the year. At our airport the flights are doubled and auto traffic brings an estimated 43 million people travelling more than fifty miles.

It would appear that the economic spin offs from this day can make or break a business. This year Best By is counting on the black Friday to keep them solvent. It is such a great time of the year for a holiday because of the weather and the need for a break. America loves this time and it is nick named Grandma's day as families really try to unite and be with their families. Food is a driving force as stores stock up on turkey and all the trimmings to complete the perfect day.

We Canadians are fortunate to have two days to celebrate while we are here  for the winter. This day marks the start for Christmas shopping and Black Friday is the busiest of the year.It seems everyone is excited about this day.

We who think about the meaning of this day find it easy to list a number of solid reasons why we can and should be thankful. This year while we live in relative peace here in North America after the election fever this day could be a coming together day where Republicans and Democrats could count their blessings and work for the mutual good of every citizen.

Further afield we see war and misery in many corners of the world where ordinary people are being killed, injured and displaced because of political unrest. Hunger is common in Africa and parts of Asia and we appear to be helpless to come together to solve the problem.

Yes Thanksgiving is a wonderful day for we the fortunate ones who live with full stomachs and a safe place to live. I wonder how the less fortunate ones view Thanksgiving?

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