Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ontario Minority Government Passes Budget

Yesterday the Ontario Government passed a budget which emphasized policies and programs of vital interest to the New Democratic Party. With a minority Liberal government , led by a lady and working with a second party, the NDP also led by a lady they structured a budget which included the best from both sides and passed the test of the Legislature without any great problem.

This was not the first time Ontario passed a budget with a minority government. Premier Bill Davis did the same a few years back and as it turned out he ruled a good Legislature with help from the opposition. What is unique with this budget is the fact that both parties were led by ladies. There were wide divides in the philosophy of the Liberal and New Democratic Parties but they managed to come to a consensus of what was important for Ontario.

In their budget speeches they each promoted their ideas and although there were differences they were presented in a civil manner. This was a good example of members working for the people they represent. If only our federal members were permitted to do the same what a difference it would make in the House of Commons where the ruling majority party scripts every word and the back trenchers are described by the press as trained seals.

I have a strong feeling that the people of Canada are sick and tired of the antics being carried out in our parliament. Our government does not elect a king at general election time but several hundred members who take an oath to work for the best interests of Canadians and their own riding.

Having lived in Nunavut for a number of years I was impressed with the idea of the elected representatives elected the premier. What a difference it would make if we in Canada did the same. The PM would be  the leader at the behest of the members and could be replaced if he or she was not effective. It would take away that power of the party hacks who are not elected but hold great power in electing the Prime Minister.

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