Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Leaving For Home

Theresa and I planned to go home a few days early because of commitments back in Oakville. Little did I realize that our van was not a moving van so we piled every valuable item in the garage and I began the task of taking those items that were important. It became painfully obvious that many of our treasures would remain behind.Our great neighbors , the Perez household helped us by accepting a few items  and other people were just as kind.

We  left every other item for the young family who purchased our home. They were a young family who were going to become a larger family as she was expecting twins. It is funny but we were concerned who would buy our home as we wanted them to be great neighbors for our friends. They were just very helpful and even offered to help me pack and load our van.

It was a sad few moments as Theresa and I drove out the driveway and looked back for the last time at our ten year winter residence.Theresa kept talking but I was unable to respond as I was having an emotional moment. As we left the neighborhood everything changed as we closed the door and made plans for our next adventure.

Going home and crossing the border was the next challenge  We always have too much of everything but as we pulled up to the booth a lovely young lady greeted us and with two questions we were on our way.Getting across the border means so much to us as we feel secure here in Canada. Arriving at our home we were greeted by our neighbors who were working on their yards. Daughters Lynda showed up to help unload and in the kitchen was a full supper compliments of my two winter helpers Lyn and Glenda.We were home and everything seemed so normal. Our work just begins now with putting everything together.

1 comment:

  1. You've always hated goodbyes! But I can see your "moment" was fleeting and that you have turned your attention to the next big adventure(s). Happy to have you home.


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