Sunday, May 19, 2013


Oakville is the home of the Canadian Guide Dog training center. This establishment is supported by the Lions Club and public support. The dogs are brought into the system at birth and are farmed out to volunteers who keep the dogs as their own for one year. During the year the expectation is that these dogs will be socialized.

Their early training is the job of the person who has taken the responsibility for the social training. The dog is maintained by the training facility who provide food and medical support during the year.These dogs are provided with a little coat that enables them to enter all public areas. My granddaughter has just completed a one year training for a beautiful dog and has accepted another year for socialization with an equally beautiful puppy.This dog will attend classes at the University of Guelph with Darcy and be accepted everywhere that Darcy travels. The dog will not be given credit for her attendance at classes however but should not be a distraction.

We had a visit form Gale (the dog ) yesterday and immediately loved this little puppy.People who take on this important job are rewarded at a ceremony when the dog takes further training by full time staff and are given to a person as a certified guide dog. The full time staff evaluate these dogs and train them for specific tasks according to the needs of the new owner.

The visually handicapped, the physically handicapped and all conditions determine the future role of these dogs.There is a graduation ceremony where the recipient,the early owners and the professionals staff have this handing over ceremony so all who were involved have a chance to say good bye to their dog and wish the final owner good luck. It is  sad / happy time but one carried out many times every year as this training centre  for dogs provide a wonderful and necessary role.

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