Tuesday, April 17, 2012


The last few days I have been connecting with the people in my life who are important to me. My friends, family and people who enrich my life play a big role in my life. I make every attempt to keep in contact with these people and the reward is a warm feeling and a definite connection with the past and the present. Distance is no longer an excuse for not relating to the important people in your life. I realized this fact when I was living in the arctic and the telephone would ring and there I was talking to one of the inner circle.

This year I had a life threatening surgery and I  was contacted by so many people that I had proof of what I always thought that real friends are for life. For some reason this has been on my mind and I realize that is because I have this strong notion that I must do better at keeping the connection strong.

Some people do not seem to need to keep in close contact and that is alright but in our family the need is very strong to be there for each other and I get upset if I do not hear from my children often. I think it is because we are separated by miles and are used to just walking down the road  to be with family. Theresa and I have been talking about the future as we are aging and we wish to be close to family and our next generation of grand children. We are making decisions  now for the future and realize that when it comes right down to it, family and friends are the greatest gift of all.

This blog is sort of mixed up because I have so much on my mind these days as Theresa and I are trying to make sense of the next ten years. We really try to plan our future but one realizes that the planning time gets shorter as you age. We wish to make the next ten years the best ever and that means connecting to the people we need and love. Our plans are an emerging design but after all our talking we will have a plan that includes our friends and family.


  1. It is a wonderful goal. Connecting and staying close is a good quality of life.

  2. Count us in! I think we share your need and desire to stay close geographically and emotionally. Always know that no matter the distance -- you are close in heart. Love you both. L


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