Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Times Have Changed

My friend Doug often forwards interesting items to us to stimulate our minds and often to make us laugh or at least smile. The other day he sent a copy of the Woolworth's lunch counter menu from 1950 and it had the prices of the day.Since this was in my era and I well remember the cost of items I smiled as I often Tell my kids and grand children the cost of items from the past.

I never go to movies and sometimes tell the kids that the Saturday matinee used to cost a nickel and the evening show was a dime. When I ask them how much it costs now they say twelve dollars or something like that. They must get tired of me comparing then and now when it comes to costs.

Every once in a while there are publishing's from the past carried in newspapers. These writings give young people a perspective about the past. We used to invite older people from the community to come to our classrooms to interact with the students and the value was evident for both as the exchange gave each an understanding of the other. It is not always useful to live in the past but it is important to look behind on occasion to see where you came from. This helps in planning your future. I liken it to a walk in a forest where you had not been before, you should look behind every so often to make sure you will find your way out when you wish.

Personally I love history and family history in particular. I find it interesting to know about your roots and to take advantage of the strength you received from your ancestors. Today it is useful to know the medical history of your past relatives as doctors are able to use this information for determining conditions that are gene driven.

I don't know what this has to do with the five and ten lunch counter menu but it triggered me to ramble about the past as I find myself doing more often than I wish.


  1. That's OK Pops -- the rambling part. I think I am doing my fair share of that as well. When I was a kid, a movie cost 25 cents. Yikes - I am old! Love. Lyn

  2. Remember how much mixed up candy we could get for a dime at Ruby's?
    I like the ramblings Dad. I usually hang on every word - bet you didn't know that.

    Daughter #2


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