Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall Cleanup

With fall only a few days old and our planning a short Florida holiday I thought it was time to get busy. Cutting the Lillie's and other early flowers before they turn brown is risky but I have to prepare for planting some more perennials. My neighbour has an overgrown backyard. She offered me as many flowers as I need and I took her up on the offer.

It is a little early for transplanting  but time is of the essence. We have moved from annuals except for a few and have filled the space with easy to care for perennials. Our vegetable garden does not want to quit as the tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and Russel sprouts along with the Swiss chard keep on producing. We had such a dry summer that when the rain came the gardens took off and we now have the growth that normally comes in June and July.

Regardless of this situation we are trying to get everything completed for winter.The last few rains we experienced were greatly appreciated as the trees were showing major stress and warnings were given to home owners to water their trees before winter. With climate changes we probably will have to make some major adjustments to our gardening habits in the future.

We who live along the 49th parallel will not be affected as much as the people in the sun belt or further north. The sun belt will experience long periods of drought and extreme heat for long periods of time. This will become a major concern in the next few years. The people further north will be granted a gift of a longer growing season and a widening of the growing area. This could be a financial benefit to the world as agriculture could be balanced between land lost to land gained.

An interesting observance this year was the move north of the bird populations. People are reporting sightings of birds which traditionally summer over further south,  much further north. Animals and insects are also making similar changes in their habitat.

Well I will be making my regular migration south but could be convinced to come north earlier if climate changes dictate an earlier spring.

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