I received an email from friend Doug. He announced that he was the proud grandfather to a baby boy. He already had two beautiful and smart grand daughters but he wanted a buddy for his old age. Someone to watch him play hockey and other sports. This will be the case and a new dimension has been added to his already rich life.
We were fortunate in so much as we had our grand children at a relatively young age and they became a second family. Their development from baby to adulthood came about so quickly that we now look forward to great grand children. Many things can enrich your life but children and grand children truly make us whole. They complete the circle and cause us to reflect on life in a positive manner.
As Doug and Pat will have life changing moments with there new found joy so will the yet unnamed child benefit from the time experienced with them. Many of our special moments come about when we saw our children and grandchildren perform on the ice rink, school basketball court or singing in the church choir.The really special moment is holding that little person for the first time and dreaming of the future he will have in the years ahead.
By the time we develop into competent parents our job would become obsolete were it not for the next stage in our growth as people. We become grandparents and usually do a better job because of our practise as parents.We share in our friends happiness at this time and look back on our own memories from the past.
We were fortunate in so much as we had our grand children at a relatively young age and they became a second family. Their development from baby to adulthood came about so quickly that we now look forward to great grand children. Many things can enrich your life but children and grand children truly make us whole. They complete the circle and cause us to reflect on life in a positive manner.
As Doug and Pat will have life changing moments with there new found joy so will the yet unnamed child benefit from the time experienced with them. Many of our special moments come about when we saw our children and grandchildren perform on the ice rink, school basketball court or singing in the church choir.The really special moment is holding that little person for the first time and dreaming of the future he will have in the years ahead.
By the time we develop into competent parents our job would become obsolete were it not for the next stage in our growth as people. We become grandparents and usually do a better job because of our practise as parents.We share in our friends happiness at this time and look back on our own memories from the past.
What great news for Doug and Pat! Baby will have wonderful grandparents and I am sure the "men" will spend many hours together as grandpa imparts the wisdom of the elders ... just as you do Polar Bear.