Other creatures of the sea like sharks, large fish and turtles try to find a place to keep warm. Some 200 threatened green turtles were found floundering near shore and were taken to a place to be kept warm for a time before release to the wild. One leather back turtle weighing over eight hundred pounds had to be taken to the hospital for a few days for medication and was released way off shore yesterday.
Iguanas who take to the trees during cold weather were seen falling from their perch when the temperature of their bodies reach 60 degrees. In one area hundreds were suffering this fate. People were concerned but last year over 6000 were captured and killed by freezing to rid the area of these creatures.
The birds are hunkering down as well and not one was seen at our feeder where many usually feed there every day. To say the least this extended cold spell has made everyone here aware of the impact weather has on our well being. Street people are nearly invisible here in Florida because of the warm weather but suddenly hundreds appear at sleeping shelters and their presence is magnified.
Our farmers are fighting a losing battle and already millions of dollars in frost damage is just the beginning. I lost all my banana trees and the tomatoes also. Out papaya tree is marginal and after tonight it will be a goner.
Our largest arts festival held here will be totally ruined and other events will have to be cancelled. Some schools without windows had to close and so on. People here are experiencing difficulties now that we from more temperate climates have dealt with forever.
The good thing here is that people are beginning to realize how important the weather is in our lives and probably will address the bigger picture of global warming in a more serious manner.
Too bad about your crops Pops! Love the photo though ... it looks so darn cold. And you left the cold here for the cold there ... maybe you should take a southern vacation!