We who just live here cover our pools and stay away from the beaches. This year we are in for a week of extra cold weather with temperatures dropping to the thirties and only reaching the sixties during the day. It seems like a joke to northern folks but when the mercury drops below fifty, people bundle up and layer their clothes like they lived in Alaska.
Golf days are Tuesday and I dress pretty much as I always do with shorts and golf shirt and a vest. Everyone thinks I am crazy but to see them it would make you laugh. Warm gloves, layered clothes with a heavy jacket and hoods or toques. We look forward to these days to mow the lawn or do heavy work. Perhaps it makes us feel at home. I like it as it is a real advantage to win the pot of money at the golf course.
I have empathy for the farmers and their crops. A freeze here can cost a billion dollars a day in lost revenue. We can talk about it, speculate about it, complain about it but nobody can do a damn thing about the weather.
Right but Big Al Gore thinks he can make it even cooler for you by paying him extra taxes.
ReplyDeleteTell anonymous that Big Al Gore is just the messenger. We have been selfishly emitting carbon and destroying forests for our comfort. Now, we must pay the price.
ReplyDeleteWe are having unusual warm days, in the 50's, with little rain and a lot of sunshine. Our old groves will suffer without rain. Something else that anonymous doesn't want to think about.