Since our flight is so late we will not get home until after midnight and we hope for a driveway that is clear and a warm house. My daughter makes sure we have supplies for the morning and so we can enjoy the early part of the day at home. Packing was a breeze this year as we travel a little lighter than we do when we drive.
Our neighbours came to wish us Merry Xmas and will keep an eye on our place when we are gone. Neighbour Watch is in effect in our area. Flying at night gives us the opportunity to catch up on a few winks on the way home. I will miss this good computer while away home but I shall try to catch up on my blogs in a few days.
Can't wait to see you guys! Thermostat is set to 71 degrees and there is cream and milk in the fridge and a coffee cake for Doris. You might want to read my post called "Plantslaughter". Yikes!