Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mid Term Elections.

During the last few months we have been bombarded with roadside signs, radio and television adds, visits from politicians and verbal bantering in the name of democracy. Mid term elections are usually a statement about the party in power and how effective their programs are working for the public.

President Obama was swept into power with a huge mandate and backed by Democrats in both the house and senate had the the opportunity to make a difference. Perhaps he did but the perception by the American people was too little and too late. Personally I was a strong supporter of this young president as his leadership would impact Canada in a positive or negative manner. After two years of failed promises due to the worst recession since the thirties, a weak dollar, devastating wars, and an unresponsive mood in Washington, the president was scolded by the people with huge losses at the polls.

The president has two years left in his term and is able to turn things around if he is willing and able to work both sides of the house. America has the resources to return to its place in the world as its leader is well received and viewed as a good person but it must mobilize its industrial power to create jobs and get on track with its goals in health care and social issues.

This last election was fought with negative positions taken by both sides and there was little discussion on the programs for change and solutions to the nations needs. Perhaps this election has given everyone a shock as to where America stands and a desire to rebuild its greatness by working together and becoming the land where most people in the world would like to live.

It is often said that we have to reach the bottom and accept the truth about our situation before we begin to heal and recover. America is in that position now and I look forward to the new energy coming from all the promises made during the past days to power its collective ability and restore America to its rightful place in the sun.

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