Packing and unpacking begins to be a bore and we have done it so many times. We always say that next year we will cut down on what we will take to Florida and what we will take back. I am convinced that the only way we will accomplish that is to get rid of the van. We seem to fill it up every year.
Visits with our family is a nice way to get motivated and get all the unpacking completed. When we unload our hallway and first floor becomes a disaster zone as we seek items from boxes which are unmarked. This results in dozens of open boxes laying in full view of everyone entering our home. Today is day three and this am we cleared up the mess .
We received a email from our neighbour in Cape Coral with pictures of our dining experience a few weeks ago. I hope that Yvette will use the email to keep us up to date on happenings in The Cape. With her son soon to enter university she will need a distraction to fill in the time as she will surely miss her son.
Tomorrow is Mothers Day and it will be a time of celebration. When we were children we used to go to church and if your mother was living you wore a red flower and if she had passed away you wore a white flower. In our family we made Mothers Day a special time. Even to this day my memories are tucked away about the family on this special day. We always went to the woods and picked May Flowers. These were tiny pink and white flowers and bloomed on or near Mothers day. I shall write a blog tomorrow about one special Mother's day in Cape Breton.
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